Saturday, March 15, 2008

The perfect crime...

I have found a way so that I can be under house arrest indefinently. A loophole in the law so, that a very specific crime is bad enough to cause me to be locked up for life, but not bad enough to send me to jail. I cannot reveal what it is, because then everyone would be doing it. But I need to be careful. Even a small mistake could cause me to be locked up for life.

House arrest would be sweet. I already stay inside my house when I am not at work, and my lifes quest is to not work, so it would work out nicely.

Blast, look at the time. I only have a short timespan to commit the crime. At any other point, I would just go to jail. But not on Saturdays at 3.02. I got less than 30 minutes.

Wish me luck.

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