Monday, March 31, 2008

My long weekend

I had Mark get me a trailerload of sand, and I filled it into an empty room. Meanwhile, Ashley got me an inflatable pool, that we filled in the room. A noisemaker was installed. IE, Ashleys nephew, and it was just like being at the beach. In a small room, filled with sand and a kiddie pool...

Alright, so it was not really like being at the beach, but we had fun. Sitting in a room full of sand. And to complete the vacation feeling, Ashley made my bed way to tight and my bedroom TV was reprogrammed to only have the bad channels. And they took my duvets and replaced them with coarse blankets.

A vacation was nice, but it is sure nice to be home again.

Now, back to the ol' threadmill. Ashley chased Denby away yesterday. I think that he is up to something.

Speaking of Denby, why wasn't he at work all last week? I mean, it must really dig into his vacationdays, that he spends his days harrasing me. Does he hate me that much? All I did was annoying him every day for three years, finally culminating in me humping his daughter. Maybe he had a breakdown.

And he had so much going for him. He was the manager of a local branch of the marketing department of the countries fourth largest in-flight magasine, he was famous in the stampcollection community for owning a rare mirrored, upside down, misspelled Gorge Wasinton 3 dollar stamp from 1946, made in Bolivia, worth more than Bolivia itself. Now his goal seems to be to destroy me. When Mr. Tarkanian down at the headoffice finds out that he is missing work, he is going to be so mad.

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