Monday, March 17, 2008

How I spend my day:

Actually, I didn't really do much today. I spend most of the day listening to The Proclaimers. Which did make Mr. Denby mad, mainly because I played it on a boombox.

The greatest joy in the world is to pretend that you have no idea what people are talking about when they ask you to turn down the music. Especially if the boombox is right next to you.

My coworkers has been informed of my intentions, and they are playing along. In fact, Proclaimers was an agreement we reached after a longer discussion, after my inital idea of playing Prince was, understandably, nixed.

I think that he thinks that I am about to quit. In a way I am, but I would prefer to be fired. I would like a severance package. Mr. Denby is just looking for an excuse to fire me, and I am a man with nothing to lose, so the way I see it, we both win.

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