Saturday, April 26, 2008

So apparently my list of potential friends suddenly took a steep dive

Apparently, me and my little gang is not the hot property that we had previously assumed our selves to be. A lot of the potential friends have turned us down, after the interview. What comes as complete surprises to us and our selfesteems is that a violent chick, a tall, sexcrazed, perpetual partier, a constantly chipper girl and a prisoner with OCD are not the material looked for in friends.

So, we are down to one on our list. And frankly, he failed the interview. He kept asking about what kind of underwear we wore, and what colour. He claimed that it would bring us closer together. And if there is one thing that you do not want to hear from your male friends in that context, it is the word "Commando". So I had to get everything that Mark ever sat on, in my house, disinfected. And that is why I currently has almost no furniture.

1 comment:

Krankor said...

There's always Gangbang Bob. He seems like he'd fit right in.