Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Lookin' for friends in all the right folders

We have nearly gone through all the applications. We have picked most of the people that we wish to have in for the audition. Black people, gay people, muslim people, and a whole heap of asian girls. We have a guy who might be spanish, we're not entirely sure. The big scoop is a black, gay muslim, which would be a timesaver.

The toughest part turned out to be to explain to Julia why they could not all be my friends. She could sort of understand why the guy with the swastika tattooed on his forehead was not in the running, even if she liked his Charlie Chaplin moustache.

But, if you don't get a callback, rest assured, Julia has declared you all to be her friends. Except for Gangbang Bob, who she decided should probably be left alone, after she read his file. Ashley has declared you all her mortal enemies, and if she ever meets you, she will poke your eyes out with a spoon that she carries in her pockets, for reasons we decided would better be left unanswered. Especially Gangbang Bob. Mark has spend the last 6 hours repeatedly calling hot women from the cast-out pile. Especially Miss Petulia Rinta-Runsala, for some reason. Presumably because she listed her nickname as being "Easy", and her motto as "Easy come, Easy go". I actually knew her back in school. Back then her nickname was "slut" and her motto was "I will have sex with anyone who cares to ask, but are you on the soccer team, you won't even have to ask, just drop your pants and I will be right there". I am happy to see that she refined it a bit. To bad that the monestary didn't work out for her, though.

Anyway, we will be calling around, and remember, no matter what, you will always have a friend in Julia. Except you, Gangbang Bob. You stay away from my home, y'hear?

1 comment:

Krankor said...

Remember the old saying: you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your friend's nose.

And I'm reminded of this poem my grandfather taught me:

Never whittle toward your thumb
Always whittle toward your chum
'Cuz you can never grow another thumb
But you can always find another chum

Not sure where I'm going with this, actually...