Monday, October 13, 2008

A marked man

Ashley and Julia went to a selfdefence class, and, as it turns out, a poster of Mark is used as the image of sex offenders. He did some investigation, and it turns out that not only does a former girlfriend work at the posterfactory, another former girlfriend is the teacher in their class. It has really cut into his dating-life and various sorts of lady-pick-upping... Up picking of ladies... What ever the correct grammatic tense is, he aint gettin' any. Which somehow becomes my problem, because he gets stressed and when he gets stressed, he gets annoying. He gets all this pent-up energy, which manifests itself in being like he was when we were 16 years old. And if you spend any time around 16 year olds, you will know that they are jerks. So he has been spending much of his time at my place, playing gamecube and prankcalling people. And he is getting Julia to bring cookies and lemonade, and saying "Thank you, Mrs. S", which is odd as Julia is neither a Mrs. or has a surname beginning with S. So, tonight, Mark is gonna break into both the self defence class and the poster factory and destroy all images of himself.

Don't worry, I already called my lawyer, Ron, to go down and bail out Mark first thing in the morning.

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