Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ah, Ziggy, will you ever win?

Ziggy is one of these strips that are not only lame, but seem to revel in the fact. The maincharacter, Ziggy, is a guy who, supposedly, is a born loser, a guy who can never win in the game of life. I dunno, most strips that I have seen with him is about him looking on in quiet sadness while others around him are being jerks or coming with unreasonable demands. Or, occasionally, reasonable demands, while Ziggy looks on in quite sadness. Anyway, this is simple, a bad joke. Or perhaps I am missing some sort of layer. Ziggy is giving Polly a cracker, Polly would like it to be softer, because it had some, I guess, stale pizza last night. So, I have to come up with some sort of improved punchline.

Here we go. Ziggy is being mugged by a parrot. What a born loser he is. Will he ever win? Not while I am on watch, buster.

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