Monday, August 25, 2008

Throughts on South Park

From my notebook:

South Park has sucked a great deal since season 3. After that, it went really far up its own ass and got stuck there. And if you are real quiet, you can hear the muffled yells of "Quick, reference something current to give the impression of being relevant. And be sure to insult all sides of the issue, so that we actually don't say anything and offer no solutions. Ooooh, and jokes involving butts, sex and lots of poop, in order to give the illusion of being edgy, despite being adolescent nonsense".

1 comment:

Krankor said...

There have been odd flashes of brilliance here and there, but I think you're right. Certainly I haven't felt compelled to actually bother watching South Park since shortly after the movie came out.

As a corollary, Saturday Night Live was never actually any good. Everybody thinks that the era when they first starting watching it was just awesome, but has sucked since Chevy Chase/Jim Belushi/Eddie Murphy/Billy Crystal/Dennis Miller/Dana Carvey/Mike Myers/Phil Hartman/Chris Farley/Adam Sandler/Will Farrell/etc. left.

Such is the majesty of selective memory.