Saturday, January 26, 2008

Beating a dead horse

I am going out of town for a few days, so I leave you with this.

Close down the Black Entertainment Television. I don't mind a channel specially geared towards a specific group, and black americans does have its own culture, but I mind it being a minstrel show. But then again, that is what rap music has become, right? Made by black stereotypes and liked by white people. The last decent rapper was Eminem, who used to rhyme from the heart, but he started sucking a few years back. Don't get me wrong, I bet that there are many talented rappers who raps about things that matters, but I never see them on TV.

Or maybe I should leave you on a funny note: If white people stopped buying rap-music, Fifty Cent would be out of a job.

Hm. That sounded funnier in my head. As it is, it sounds more like a wry, but true, observation.

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