Saturday, December 22, 2007

Cinematic Titanic

Have you heard of this? It is the original stars of Mystery Science Theater 3000, one of the funniest shows ever, Joel Hogdson, Trace Beaulieu and J. Elvis Weinstein, formerly known as Josh, plus, two later additions, Mary Jo Pehl and "TV's Frank" Connif. They are once again riffing on bad movies, with themselves in sillouette. I have only seen the trailer, which was pretty funny, as there is not yet a download on their movie, which doesn't really matter, as it is not available to buy in Denmark. A rights issue.

No skin of my back. I got Rifftrax. Which, by the way, is manned by the three replacements in the theater, Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett. And which I know for a fact to be hillarious. In Rifftrax, you don't need to buy an entire DVD with commentary. You just get the commentary, on an MP3 file. How do you watch it? You buy your own damn DVD, you lazy bum. They can't do everything, for you.

Though I cannot help shake the feeling that Cinematic Titanic is riding the coattails of Rifftrax, who have been operating for nearly two years now. Granted, Hogdson invented the concept of pre-riffed movies, but Nelson have brought it back, while Hogdson have been missing in action since 1993. But, I guess that it is good with a little competition, especially in a narrow field like this.

In the end, I think that this will be a battle with no losers. Except for me, who cannot buy Cinematic Titanic, due to geographical problems. So, more Rifftrax to me, more money to Mike and none for Joel. So far.

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